Chapter 1191-can be overcome

yes, Gu Yanzhi and Gu Nian. They sound good and have a deeper meaning. Not bad, not bad.

Song ran pointed at niannian, who was kicking her feet. "Second brother, do you want to hug her?"

Tang Ji 'an quickly waved his hand.

A person like him didn't like such small and soft creatures. He liked to maintain that cold and unkind appearance.

There was a knock on the door. Mu Mian peeked in. Song ran thought to herself,'Oh, that's right. The two of them are together. My second brother brought mu Mian to the Tang family's old mansion last time. I was busy then and didn't have the time to ask her anything. I have to ask her today.'

A tall and handsome young man followed mu Mian in.

Song ran saw Tang Ji 'an frowning.

"Big star, you must be very busy. That's why you have the time to come and see me," she said to mu Mian with a smile.