Where is Gu jinghang?

Gu jinghang frowned. someone is trying to trick you with my life. Is that right? "  

Song ran nodded. yes, a young man in his twenties. He had a car parked downstairs. He came up and told me that there was a fire and you were buried. I panicked and ran out with him. If I had run a few more steps out of this building, he would have captured me and put me in his car.

Gu jinghang could not help but feel a sense of fear. He had not expected the man to be so lawless. He must find out who the mastermind was.

"How did you see through his lie?" he reached out and pulled her into his arms.

Song ran was still in a state of shock. I don't know. I just felt like I had a flash of inspiration. You've always said that it's a top secret. I think that even if there was a fire, they wouldn't call for the family members so blatantly. Even if I could go over, I think the first one to report would be Da Peng, not someone I've never seen before.