Heading to the southeast Research Institute

It was a pity that one could not judge a book by its cover. Liao Zheng might be gentle, but he treated everyone the same way. He could care for several women at the same time. In comparison, Tang Ji 'an's coldness seemed to give people a greater sense of security.

Tang Ji 'an raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything.

"No matter what, I still have to thank you for helping me out just now," mu Mian whispered.

Tang Ji 'an still didn't say anything. He just picked up the case file and read it carefully.

Mu Mian sat at the side, bored to death. The dim yellow street lights outside the window flashed occasionally, and the flickering light passed through the car. The snow outside the window was heavy, and it fell on the window with a thud.

The carriage was too quiet, so she tried to find something to say. "Look, the snow outside the window is really heavy."

mm, " he replied softly, but he did not raise his head. He was still focused on the case file in his hand.