Chapter 1226-want to stand out

Section Chief Mao took the document, bowed to him, and left in fear and trepidation.

As soon as he went out, he couldn't help but wipe his forehead, which was full of sweat. Section Chief Mao heaved a sigh of relief with a lingering fear. He went downstairs angrily and returned to his office. He called mu Qin to his small office.

Mu Qin felt uneasy. It must be mu Mian, that wretched girl, who was talking bad about her behind her back.

When she reached the Section chief's office, the Section Chief looked at her with a cold face and said indifferently, " you're a newbie and need more training. That's why I'm sending you to the venue.

Mu Qin was so angry that smoke was almost coming out of her head. The Public Prosecution Department was basically filing a case on behalf of the lower class of society. If she were to go to the scene, she would basically be in contact with the factory workers and migrant workers.