Don't have any emotions

As soon as Tang Ji 'an saw the group of subordinates who were joining in on the fun, he instinctively pulled his hand back. Mu Mian stared at him in despair, and then her whole body fell down.|| The stock fell and sat hard.|| Bang|| Bang's concrete floor.

It hurts, my ass.|| Her spine seemed to have cracked.

Tang Ji 'an!

You bastard!

Mu Mian stared at him resentfully. Tang Ji 'an felt a little uncomfortable. He put one hand in his pocket and said, " "Quickly get up."

Mu Mian lay on the ground, a look of despair was written all over her face.|| The pain in her thigh made her unable to care about her image."Why did you let go?"

All the Department directors stood cautiously at the corner of the stairs. They did not know whether to advance or retreat.

This was the first time they had seen someone so openly reprimand their director, but Tang Ji 'an didn't even have a temper.