Chapter 1240-I've troubled you

It wasn't like her brain had been kicked by a donkey to plead for such a person.

So, he did what he had to do in the office during the day.

Tang Ji 'an was still busy with meetings and meetings.

In the past, mu Mian thought that a Big Shot like Tang Ji 'an would only need a few secretaries for decoration. Now, she realized that two secretaries were not enough. Secretary Tang was so busy all day that her feet barely touched the ground. It turned out that big shots were really busy.

At six O 'clock, Secretary Tang's timing was just right. Tang Ji' an looked at him with admiration. As expected of the person he had personally chosen, he knew him very well.

Secretary Tang put some documents into his briefcase. Tang Ji 'an said in a deep voice, " send these documents to my mansion. I'll continue to read the rest at night.

"Got it, director Tang. I was just about to send it over to you."

Tang Ji 'an took his coat and walked out.