Not a bad impression

She raised her voice and said, " how could you not know? our Qinqin didn't do anything wrong. It was you who fanned the flames in front of the second young master of the Tang family and gossiped. Because of you, not only was our Qinqin sent to the construction site, but she was also demerit-ed and punished. You know how important the law firm is. It wasn't easy for our Qinqin to get in through the interview. If she has outstanding work capabilities in the future and makes a name for herself, we'll be able to stand out on our own and our family will benefit from it! This girl, she got into a third-rate art school, so she must be jealous of my Qinqin, so she's trying her best to curry favor with second young master Tang. She's trying to curry favor with him in order to harm my Qinqin. Dad, you must see this girl's true colors."

Mu Mian facepalmed. Her first aunt had been shameless for more than ten years. Now, she had reached the point where she could speak without thinking.