At least get Qin mo out of two schools

Qin mo lit a cigarette and held it between his slender fingers. you've said this countless times. If you say it one more time, you'll go back to country M.

Sun Man felt wronged. Sun Man felt very wronged.

Jiang, who was in the front row, turned his head and hesitated.

Qin mo raised his hand,"if you have something to say, just say it."

"In the Institute, can you get your subordinates to call you professor Qin?"

Sun Man almost rolled his eyes. His young master was not a professor.

Qin mo nodded slightly,'Sun Man, did you hear that? Just call me professor Qin from now on. "

Sun man's eyes seemed to say,'young master, I can't bring myself to call you that'.

Qin mo naturally understood him,'you can't say it? If you can't, I'll find someone who can follow me. Xu Biao or Du Jun, anyone."

Sun Man immediately shouted, " don't, professor Qin. I'll call you that. I think the title 'professor' is very elegant. You sound like a scholar.