It's too late to beg now

Deputy bureau chief Liao glanced at him. don't worry. Even if the sky falls, I'll hold it up for you.

In the interrogation room, Tang Ji 'an gave the driver another punch and the driver fell to the ground.

He had always been gentle, but that didn't mean he was weak. He had also trained his body, and the muscles he should have were not missing. After one punch, the man was hit dizzy. He lay on the ground and kept cursing,"Which unit are you from? What's your grandson's name? I'll find someone to Sue you tomorrow."

Tang Ji 'an took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood on his hand. Then he threw the handkerchief away in disgust."I'm in the field of investigation."

The driver's face turned as pale as a sheet. She remembered what the little girl had said. She said that her partner was from the detective Corporation. Not only was he a detective, but he was also the director of the corporation.

"Yingluo, are you the director of the detective Agency?" he asked.