Chapter 1320-settlement out of court?

However, it seemed that she didn't have any connections. At this time, perhaps she had found Section Chief Lou, or Section Chief Lou had found her. In short, the two people who had common interests had colluded together.

Section Chief Lou was the one who really used his power for personal gain. The reason why du Tiantian's case passed the trial so quickly was naturally because of Section Chief Lou's adding fuel to the fire.

The evidence of what I've said has already been submitted to the judges. Please have a look at it in detail, your honor."

Du Tiantian was completely flustered. She knew that she had fallen into Tang Ji 'an's trap. She had dug this pit for herself.

She stared at the calm man in fear. This man was unfathomable and terrifying.

She thought that she was a very vigilant person, but she had never noticed that someone was following her, and someone had even taken a photo of her.

This was too terrifying. What kind of monster had she offended?