Morse code?

Well, 70 square meters was enough for her to live with her parents. She planned to start buying a house in two days.

This way, she wouldn't have to suffer the anger of mu Qin, her aunt, and her grandfather.

She didn't want to live under someone else's roof. They were all mu, so why should their family live like servants?

She placed the passbook back in its original place and felt a little uneasy. Her parents might not be willing to leave with her for the time being. If she was not around, her parents would be the only ones left. They would definitely be bullied to death.

Her father was an honest man who was not good with words, and her mother was kind and weak. She must find a way to take her parents away.

At the second Research Institute, there was a knock on the door. Gu jinghang's Secretary, Yang Yi, knocked on the door and entered. "Chief, Madam is outside."