This appearance, no good

Sun an was about to say something else, but han ping cut him off."I still have something to do, so I'll be leaving first. Work hard."

With that, he turned around and left.

Sun an's lips curved into a smile. Couldn't she tell what he was implying? Tang Suo's aunt did not seem like the type of person who would like mu Mian.

Alright, she could sit on the mountain and watch the Tigers fight.

As soon as she turned around and entered the law firm's lobby, she ran into Zhong Qi. Zhong Qi pulled her aside and said in a low voice, " "I think I saw you talking to director Tang's aunt just now."

"Yeah, we chatted for a while." Sun an nodded.

"You didn't say anything, right?"

"I told her about mu Mian," sun an replied.

Zhong Qi tutted and said, " it's not like you don't know about director Tang. He doesn't like others to meddle in his family affairs. What do you think he'll think if he hears about this? "