Hurry up and send her to the delivery room

She swallowed all the bad things she had to say about mu Mian.

In September, at the end of summer, the song family welcomed another big event. Song Xuan's expected date of delivery was approaching.

When it was time for her due date, she was sent to the hospital's Obstetrics and Gynecology Department. Naturally, song ran brought her family along with her, and aunt Wu followed her around.

Yang Haitao couldn't sit still. He wished he could start self-learning about Gynecology and Obstetrics just to help her deliver.

She looked at the person who was pacing around the ward and said in disdain,"Can you stop spinning? I'm dizzy."

Hearing the word 'dizzy', yang Haitao immediately rushed to the door and shouted, " Doctor, Doctor, come here quickly. My family member is dizzy.

Song Xuan did not know whether to laugh or cry as she looked at song ran, " "Look at him."