Chapter 1433-you're not unreserved, right?

that's enough. Don't say so much. I'll leave everything to you. You have to know your limits and not cross the child's bottom line. Otherwise, I can't guarantee what extreme actions the child will take.

"Don't worry," han ping waved her hand.

In the speeding car, mu Mian looked at him with her cheeks puffed up."Have you always been like this to your elders?"

Tang Ji 'an didn't change his expression and looked straight ahead. "What's wrong? Is my attitude not good?"

Mu Mian crossed her arms and stared at him,"not too good, you're simply Yingluo."

Tang Ji 'an turned his head and glanced at her coldly."Simply what?"

"What a pig-like teammate."

Tang Ji 'an narrowed his eyes and reached out to pinch her chin. "What did you say I was?"

Mu Mian's face was pinched by him, and she mumbled, " "Pig-like teammate."

Tang Ji 'an's hand hit her face hard.|| you're such an ungrateful wretch. I'm helping you, " he said.