Zhong Qi was sentenced

No matter where they went, these two brothers were always up to no good.

After Zhang Jian learned that his younger brother had gone to settle scores with Tang Ji 'an, he had been feeling uneasy.

He knew that young man. He had always been skilled, ruthless, and not afraid of offending people.

He had been in fear in the company all day. Finally, the people from the Public Security Bureau came and listed all the crimes on the arrest warrant.

Zhang Jian knew that his brother had crossed the line.

The Zhang brothers were captured.

This time, Tang Ji 'an had made a contribution.

Although second young master Tang did not want to make such a contribution, the relevant Department still gave him a credit.

As for Zhong Qi, she had appeared in court for several interrogations, and the evidence of her charges was conclusive.

She was sentenced to life in prison for the crime of intentional homicide, attempted murder, and bribery.