Ji 'an insisted on cooking

Tang Ji 'an poured her a cup of hot water.

Mu Mian touched her neck. but I don't think I know how to enjoy life as much as you guys do. I'm not from a rich family, so I'm still like my parents when it comes to spending money. I'm not willing to spend money.

In fact, if mu Mian wanted to buy a higher class house with floor heaters, she could also afford it. However, she was influenced and learned to be thrifty like her parents.

Tang Ji 'an tucked her in. I'll spend as I like.  

"Alright, I'll learn from second young master Tang how to be extravagant and wasteful," mu Mian chuckled.

you can spend as much as you like. I have money anyway.

"It feels good to be protected by a rich man," mu Mian pulled his hand.

There was a knock on the door, and mu Mian quickly let go of Tang Ji 'an's hand. Tang Ji' an walked over and opened the door for Cao Feng.