Chapter 1584-something is wrong

Gu jinghang held her hand tightly. are you coming at me? "  

Song ran nodded. I just have a bad feeling about this. They'll say that I'm taking advantage of your position to evade taxes. Won't it affect you easily? "

The two of them went upstairs together and Gu jinghang reached out to hook his arm around her. don't worry, I'm not that easily affected. This matter is indeed suspicious. Obviously, someone bribed your accountants and cashiers and made them work together to set up a trap for you. I'll send someone to investigate your accountants and cashiers.

Song ran said, " don't do anything. I've already sent zou long to investigate. Don't get yourself involved. You won't be able to clear your name if you do.

Gu jinghang chuckled and said,'do you think my Foundation is that unstable? The chief Inspector and the higher-ups already know how I was promoted."

Gu jinghang was no longer an ordinary farmer.