Chapter 1609-when the water flows, a channel is formed

However, Deputy Inspector an said coldly, " serve your sentence well in prison. If you perform well, you'll get a lighter sentence. Do you understand? "

An Zhiyuan knew that this time, he had really touched a landmine.

After being caught, people might regret it, but usually, they didn't regret not committing a crime, but why they were caught. They thought that if they were caught again, maybe they could be more careful and cautious.

Therefore, such a person was not worthy of forgiveness.

Deputy Director an left. He was almost 60 years old and was going to retire in a few years. He knew that he couldn't lose his dignity.

The most important thing was that even if he risked his life to save his son, he wouldn't be able to save him. Not only would he not be able to save his son, but he would also lose his life.

This time, he could only bear the pain and part with it.
