Chapter 1646-you sweet

Mu Qin gritted her teeth. This sun mingkun only wanted to flatter her and didn't cooperate with her at all. This time, mu Mian took advantage of him again.

How detestable.

Tang Ji 'an first poured a small glass of white wine for mu Guohui, and then respectfully said, " "Uncle, you should have a drink too."

"Sure," mu Guohui said, giving him face.

Sun mingkun was also very happy. Several men began to drink white wine, and the atmosphere on the table suddenly relaxed.

Sun mingkun spoke and acted appropriately, and he chatted with Tang Ji 'an about some relatively easy topics in politics.

Mu Qin had been completely ignored by him.

Although Tang Ji 'an was also drinking, he would occasionally put food in mu Mian's bowl or whisper something to her.

Mu Qin looked at the man next to her, who only cared about drinking and flattering Tang Ji 'an.

The comparison really revealed the truth.

She could only bury her head in the food and curse mu Mian in her heart.