The wedding dress I designed for your sister-in-law

He called out to her softly,"Mianmian, darling."

Mu Mian opened her eyes tiredly, and Tang Ji 'an said in a deep voice, " "You're running a fever,"

Mu Mian was too embarrassed to say that she had a fever because she was too hot, so she had to face the fan for a long time after her shower.

"I'll be fine after I take some medicine," she said softly.

Tang Ji 'an was worried, so he asked his family doctor to come over and take a look at mu Mian overnight. He prescribed some medicine for her fever and asked Tang Ji' an to wipe her forehead and limbs with a cold towel. If her temperature didn't drop by morning, he would bring some medicine and give her an IV.

After the family doctor left, Tang Ji 'an poured a glass of hot water and fed her a few tablets of medicine to reduce her fever. Seeing that she was so weak, his heart ached.