I want to ask you about something

"I don't know." Mu Qin's eyes didn't change.

"Then you have to divorce him." Liu cuixiang couldn't sit still.

It seemed that Liu cuixiang was at least a qualified mother. She wouldn't let herself live in a pit of fire for a little benefit.

"I won't get a divorce," mu Qin said firmly.

"Why?" Liu cuixiang couldn't understand. If he keeps hitting you, will you not divorce him?"

"I just got married and I'm already getting a divorce. What will people say about me behind my back?" mu Qin was a little annoyed.

"You can't waste your time with him just because you're afraid of others talking about you," Liu cuixiang said earnestly.

Mu Qin wasn't just afraid of gossip. She knew that if she left sun mingkun, she would have nothing. At least for now, she could still live in a big house and enjoy the envious gazes of some people.