A person with deep thoughts

Three days later, the weather was getting hotter and hotter. When he went out for a walk, it was as if he had been drenched in rain.

It was early in the morning, and it was as if there was a steamer outside. There was a loud noise outside the courtyard. It was the refrigerator that song ran had ordered.

The workers were sweating as they tied the refrigerator with hemp rope and slowly slid down the truck to the ground.

Song ran instructed Yin Hua. pay the teachers later and treat them to some salt soda and watermelon. I'm going to the train station with your brother.

"I know, sister-in-law."

Song ran brought niannian and Yanzhi into the car. There was a small electric fan hanging on the roof of the car. It was spinning like a top, but the car was still hot and stuffy.

Song ran took a small towel and wiped niannian's sweat. "Why don't you stay at home with brother and play with Auntie? I'll go with your dad to pick up brother hanzhi?"