Her dream was shattered

"Niannian, can you give me a chance?" he stared into her eyes.

Gu Nian stared at him calmly. Shen hanzhi, you won't have the chance to do that. You shouldn't be forgiven for your mistake. There's no future for us.

Shen hanzhi's face instantly turned pale. He looked at Gu Nian in despair. niannian, I'll make her abort the child. You know that I love you, and it has always been you. I can accept any punishment for what I've done, but the only thing I can't accept is losing you.

Gu Nian's heart was trembling. She was not as calm as she looked. Her first relationship was going to end like this.

How could she not be sad?

Shen hanzhi, it's over between us. Let's break up. Gu Nian looked at him calmly.

After saying that, she could no longer stay here. She turned around and walked back to the dormitory.

She had thought that her relationship with Shen hanzhi would be like her parents', that they would last forever.