The three girls were petrified

Gu jinghang was dressed in casual clothes. After all, he had a private matter to attend to and did not want to show off.

After she arrived at media University, song ran touched her face.|| They arrived at Gu Nian's dormitory in block A5.

Their group of people stood in the hall, attracting the attention of the girls passing by.

Song ran also signed the registration book obediently, indicating that they were Gu Nian's parents from room 505.

The dormitory caretaker was older than song ran and the others. Naturally, she recognized song ran. After all, she was a popular star in the past. She probably knew her identity, so she immediately let them go upstairs.

After she went upstairs, she rushed to room 505 and knocked on the door.

It was Sun Fei who had opened the door. As soon as she saw the woman standing outside the door, she felt that the woman looked very similar to Gu Nian, at least 70%.