Chapter 1915-unquenchable anger

Or perhaps, she had already been in a mess since he sent Gu Nian to school?

She was anxious, so she wanted to make use of the people around him.|| He had no choice but to be with her.

His expression darkened. If it were not for Gu Nian's special status and his relationship with his nephew, he would have wooed Gu Nian a long time ago. Why would he have to tolerate He Jiao?

This roundabout tactic made Shen Zhaozheng a little annoyed.

He dialed his Secretary's landline and said,"ask He Jiao to come to my office." &Nbsp;

About ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and he Jiao, who was wearing a suit, walked in.

A man in uniform was sitting behind the desk. Behind him was a large window, and outside the window was lush green. The man looked down at the information in his hand, his slender fingers holding a pen, and he was extraordinarily handsome.

Her heart couldn't help but skip two beats.