Chapter 1929-speaking in conscience

Gu Nian was wearing a dark green jacket.|| She was wearing a pair of jeans and sports shoes, and she looked like an energetic university student.

Shen Zhaozheng was sitting in his private plane. When he saw Gu Nian getting out of the car from afar, he smiled.

Gu Nian, a few pilots, and other people from the Academy of Sciences were arranged to sit in the second-class cabin. She looked around but did not recognize anyone.

Gu Nian wanted to walk forward but was stopped by someone. "What are you doing?"

"I heard that I'm going to be a translator for a leader of the Academy of Sciences. I want to go and greet him," Gu Nian replied honestly.

the leader is having a Scientific Conference in front, " the man coughed. you can sit with us.

"Alright, I understand." Gu Nian shrunk her neck.