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Shen Zhaozheng carried her all the way to the health center. The team doctor immediately took her temperature. It was 40 degrees. Gu niancheng.|| He pulled his head and muttered in a low voice, " "Such a high temperature, no wonder I feel so uncomfortable."

After she finished, she coughed twice and Shen Zhaozheng gently patted her back. The team doctor was a little surprised. Everyone had heard of director Shen from the Jingdu Research Institute. They heard that he was handsome, but he was also very cold. No female employee dared to rashly approach him and talk to him.

Now, seeing was believing. It seemed that inspector Shen was not that cold.

doctor, " Shen Zhaozheng looked up at her. is she taking medicine or something? "

we need to get her hooked up to two bottles of water. Her body temperature is too high, and medicine alone won't be able to bring it down. It'll be a little dangerous.

"Okay, then we'll do the drip."