Didn't I just run into an acquaintance?

"Alright, take the elevator up." Shen Zhaoming held her hand.

you can't shake hands in public. What if someone sees you doing it? " Gu Nian pulled her hand away.

Shen Zhaozheng held her hand as they walked into the dimly lit underground parking lot. "No one will see it. There are no acquaintances here, and no acquaintances of yours will come over."

His large hand was warm and dry, as if it had a magical power. Gu Nian did not want to let go, but she did not want him to be smug. She reached out and gently poked his arm. "It's always better to be safe than sorry. Haven't you heard of this, inspector Shen?"

Gu Nian did not realize that she loved to flirt with Shen Zhaozheng in front of him.

Shen Zhaozheng moved his hands and clasped her fingers together. "Don't worry about personal gains and losses, and be overcautious and indecisive,"

Gu Nian did not even need to look in front of her as she stared at his handsome face. "It's better to be safe than sorry,"