Chapter 2013-are you dating?

"Niannian, look at the school forum. There are so many posts about you."

Gu Nian flipped a page of her book and said, " "What did you say about me?"

they all say that those who follow one's wishes will prosper, and those who go against one will die. It's just like the eastern sect leader.

"Am I really that good?" Gu Nian scoffed.

they said that you're the one who secretly appointed those who are going to participate in the debate competition. They're all inextricably linked to your family.

Gu nianzhi thought to himself,'why didn't I know that they have anything to do with my family?'

"Let them do it."

"They also said Yingluo."

"Why do they have so much nonsense to say?"

Jian Xia shrugged her shoulders. they said that they're very worried this time. With this lineup, our Media College will definitely lose badly. We might even be eliminated in the first round.

"Then let them wait and see," Gu Nian sighed.