Chapter 2025-the answer is obvious

Their school had overcome all obstacles and made it to the finals with an unstoppable momentum. Their opponent was their old enemy, the University of Political Science and Law.

There was nothing to be afraid of.

On the last day of the debate, Gu Nian gave Shen Zhaozheng a call in the morning.

"Brother zhaohan, are you almost done with your inspection?"

Shen Zhaozheng was about to go to court to submit the final evidence when he took the time to answer her call. "Yes, I'll be back in the capital the day after tomorrow."

Most of the things that needed to be clarified had been clarified. In the next two days, the matter would be left for the review of the witnesses in the court.

The he family didn't expect to take down Shen Zhaozheng with this, but it was good to disgust him.

Early in the morning, Gu Nian and the others rushed to the venue of the final. The final was held at the University of Law, the winner of the previous championship.