Don't really care about what my family thinks

Gu Nian nodded. aunty, I understand. Thank you for your sincere words. However, I'm an adult. I hope that you can respect me. I have my own personality and my parents support my decision. As an outsider, I think you have no right to criticize me.

If he didn't say something ruthless, she really wouldn't back down.

Zhou Yueru knew that she was asking to be humiliated again. This little girl had her own opinions, so no matter what she said, it would be useless.

Her face turned completely cold, and the corner of her mouth twitched. "You're still young. If you regret it in the future, don't blame Auntie for not reminding you."

Gu nianwei raised her chin and smiled. "Young people always learn to try."

Zhou Yueru knew that this trip was a waste of time.

She left the canteen with a dark expression on her face. As Gu Nian watched her leave, he heaved a sigh of relief. He wondered if uncle Shen would come to see her alone.