Chapter 2145-lingering fear

Gu Nian picked up the thermal container beside her and opened it. Inside was a light Chinese yam porridge with green vegetables."I'll feed you breakfast."

"Yes, good!"

As Gu Nian fed him breakfast, she asked, " "Can you tell me what happened after the plane crash?"

Shen Zhaozheng then told Gu Nian everything that had happened to him over the past two months.

'Damn it, don't they know that feelings can be split into two?' Gu Nian pounded the bed.|| Love|| Xiang|| Happy? Why are you forcing me to buy and sell?"

Zhao hang pushed the door open and walked in. Behind him were a few of Shen Zhaozheng's subordinates. His Secretary, Yu Bin, walked over with red eyes."Boss, we've been worried for two months."

"I can finally put my heart at ease," Shen Zhaozheng smiled.

Zhao hang laughed. sister-in-law, the people over there have never seen such a handsome man like boss. You didn't see it. They are really trying their best to keep boss there.