Why are you mentioning him?

Shen Boyong saw that his expression was cold and had no intention of responding to him. Although he was unhappy, he could only endure it.

"Zhaoshan, send me back," he said.

The ward that was filled with a group of people just now was very quickly emptied again.

In the living room outside, Jian Xia and the rest had just finished two classes. They came to visit her and Shen Zhaozheng with some fruits.

I've helped you ask for a leave of absence from the professors of various subjects. It's a week's leave. You can be at ease and accompany brother Shen.

"Jian Xia, you're indeed the strongest fan of the couple," Gu Nian said.

Jian Xia chuckled.

The door to the ward was pushed open and the Shen family filed out. Gu Nian stood there and watched them walk out one by one.

Shen Zhaoshan pushed Shen Boyong's wheelchair over to Gu Nian.