The greatest motivation to live

get out. My leg will be able to walk normally in about half a month. By then, I'll go to your school to teach. If your principal has any objections, you can ask him to come to me, or I can pay him a visit personally.

Xue Shen stood up and waved his hand. that's enough. I'll settle this for you. It's not an important elective class anyway. I'll just tell the principal.

"I won't disturb you guys anymore. I'm the third wheel, so I'll leave on my own accord."

"Goodbye," Shen Zhaozheng raised his hand.

"I've come for nothing." Xue Shen gritted his teeth.

With a bang, the door closed. Gu Nian then fed him the remaining porridge."You're really too much. She's just concerned about you, but you don't appreciate it at all."

"Don't you think he's a little redundant here?" Shen Zhaoming held her hand.

Gu Nian pouted. I think it's okay. Even if it's not him, there will be someone else. It's not as bad as third brother. At least I'm close to him.