I don't like you

The person who had always been gentle was a little crazy at this moment.

Gu Nian took a step back.

This step made Shen hanzhi's eyes turn cold.

Her heart was in pain.

She was afraid of him and guarded against him. She was no longer the little girl who would follow him and call him brother hanzhi.

hanzhi, you should calm down. You'll find a girl who likes you and you like.

He shook his head gently. I can't find her anymore. I won't be able to find her in this lifetime. Gu Nian, I only like you.

Gu Nian lowered her eyes and said apologetically but firmly, " but, hanzhi bro, I found the person I like.

Shen hanzhi's heart was about to break into pieces.

"Is it my Yingluo's uncle?"

Every word seemed to stab into his heart. He mustered all his courage and finally asked this question.

Gu Nian did not dare to look him in the eye but she still nodded. "Yes, it's him."
