How do you know I'm spreading rumors?

Guan Ling's phone rang. She looked down and saw that it was Xu Yan. He had just finished a match outside and heard about the incident. He called immediately.

Guan Ling picked up the phone and heard Xu Yan's anxious voice. "Are you alright?"

Guan Ling sighed. I'm fine. Just focus on the competition. Don't worry about me.

"I don't have a match tomorrow, so I've already booked a plane ticket back to Jindo city."

"Your Yueyue has a match the day after tomorrow."

I'll return to Country H tomorrow night.

"Xu Yan, don't be willful."

"I'm done talking to you. I'm boarding the plane now. See you later."

After that, he hung up the phone.

Guan Ling was a little worried.'Don't delay Xu Yan's match.'

Xu Yan got on the plane at around 5 pm and arrived at the capital city around 8 pm. When he arrived, he first asked around for Yang Qi's home address.

When she arrived at Yang Qi's house, his parents weren't there. There was only Yang Qi and a nanny.