Taking the blame and resigning

Li Hua had a feeling that this was a trap. It was as if someone was trying to frame her.

What she did not know was that if inspector Shen really wanted to mess with someone in secret, it would only take a few words.

She had provoked Gu Nian again and again.

If he didn't let her remember this once, she would do it again in the future.

She walked along the long road, but no car passed by. When she walked out, she looked at her watch and saw that it was already 1:40.

It took her another ten minutes to flag down a taxi, and there were still twenty minutes left. How could she make it in ten minutes?

When the taxi stopped at the entrance of the three science academies, it was already 2:10.

She got out of the car in a hurry and said,|| Just then, the managing editor called.