She wants to abort the child again

Shen Zhaozheng's heart felt like it was being pricked by a thin needle. How could he leave knowing that she was in there and that she was not feeling well?

And all of this was brought to her by him. He didn't even have the right to care about her.

Su ye turned around and left after he finished speaking.

He stood there the whole time, not moving a single step.

Gu Nian vomited in the bathroom for a long time before she finally returned to her bedroom, panting. She stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and gently opened it.

In the night, he stood at the door and seemed to be looking up slightly in the direction of her bedroom on the second floor.

She flung the curtains open and snorted,'pretentious.'

He wanted her to forgive him?

No way!

She was going to get an abortion tomorrow!

She did not want to let such a sinister and cunning person succeed!
