Chapter 2339-nowhere to start

Gu Nian's tears fell like rain as she buried herself in her father's arms. "Dad, thank you, thank you."

She then turned around and walked to the door of the operating room."Zhaozheng, did you hear that? Did you hear what my dad said? He agreed to let us be together, so Yingluo, you must pull yourself together. You have an indestructible body, so you'll definitely be fine."

The door of the operating room opened.

Gu Nian's heart was in her throat.

The leading doctor took off his mask and heaved a sigh of relief. director, Madam, after our best efforts, director Shen's life is no longer in danger. However, there is a blood clot in his brain, so he may still be in a coma for the time being. He will only wake up when the blood clot dissipates.

The nurse pushed the patient's bed out from behind. Gu Nian saw that the person was lying on the bed without moving.|| Her head was wrapped in bandages and her legs were in a cast. She looked miserable.