Chapter 2350-sincere gaze

Liu Mei's face was full of worry as she gritted her teeth, " Lin Yin, I'm really worried. The ye family is nothing. The Gu family is my biggest threat. Zhaozheng's heart is completely on the Gu family's side. That girl, Gu Nian, has really made my Zhaozheng lose his mind. He's even willing to give up his life for her. The most important thing is that girl doesn't like me and always likes to talk bad about me behind my back. If this goes on, Zhaozheng really doesn't have me in his heart anymore.

"You're really silly," Lin Yin snorted."What's wrong with being considerate? She's the head director's daughter and Mr. Tang's niece. She's from such a prominent family, so why did you offend her in the first place? If I had a good relationship with her in the beginning, how could there be so many things now?"