It's that girl, Gu Nian!

Gu Yanzhi,"huh?" Why didn't he mention me?

Well, in his father's eyes, his mother and sister were the first priority, and he was the last.


Gu Nian and Shen Zhaozheng returned to the ward together. Gu Nian smiled as she looked at the person who was finally on the bed. I would never have thought that we would have to spend our newlywed days in the hospital.

In the orthopedic ward of Beijing University sixth hospital, Liu Mei looked at tan Qing, the daughter-in-law of her second son. She had never gotten along with her second son's daughter-in-law, so she only snorted, " "Yo, how did you find the time to come and see me?"

"Well, I just had a wedding dinner tonight, so I came to talk to you."

"Whose happy event is it?"

"Who else can it be? It's your son's wedding. It's our brother-in-law's and the hospital director's daughter's wedding."

"What did you just say?" Liu Mei frowned.