Don't keep in touch with my son

He couldn't just tell everyone that his mother used to ignore him. That would be too ridiculous.

Ye Hui's gaze darkened again. That's right, she had a son and a daughter. How could she not treat her own son well?

"That's good, that's good."

"How's the second young miss doing recently?"

Ye Hui laughed at himself,"what else can she do?" You know that I've been working with you recently, but you've been giving me the cold shoulder every day when you come home."

"When her anger subsides and she's willing to see me, I'll go and apologize to her."

it's okay. My Ye Ting is actually a very big person. She won't hold a grudge. She usually takes revenge on the spot. So, you don't have to worry that she will really deal with you. If she wanted to, she would have done it long ago when she found out that we lied to her. She would never wait until now.