Are you sure you're not lying to me?

Ye Hui bought many gifts, such as ginseng and bird's nest, all of which were expensive.

When Liu Mei received these gifts, she didn't look happy. She even secretly muttered a few words, " they came to our Shen family to show off their wealth.

Of course, she said this in secret. If the old master heard it, he would nag at her again.

When Shen Boyong saw ye Hui, his eyes narrowed slightly. This ye Xi's appearance was really similar to his Zhaozheng.

&Nbsp; he chuckled. Dr. Yehui and my youngest son look a little similar. This is fate.

that's right, " ye Hui replied courteously. I've always felt that we were fated to meet. That's why I've made the request to acknowledge Zhaozheng as my younger brother. I wonder if this will make the old leader feel uncomfortable? "

Shen Boyong waved his hand,"why would I?" My son has always been outstanding and many people like him. It's his fortune to have a scientist like Dr. Ye as his sister."