Chapter 2425-absolutely true

"Dad, we have something to tell you." Ye Hui took the lead and walked forward.

"Did something happen at the company?"

the company's matters are no longer related. What I want to say is, when mother left the ye family that year, Hanhan ...

At the mention of their mother, ye Liang Tian's expression darkened, " this happened so long ago. Do you still want to use this to teach me a lesson? "

Ye Ting gritted his teeth. Their father had never felt that his flirtatious behavior when he was young had hurt his mother so much.

He would never feel that he had done many wrong things back then.

Ye Hui coughed lightly. we don't have any intention of teaching you a lesson. Do you know that when mother left that year, she was actually pregnant? "

what? " ye Liangtian's eyes lit up. what did you say? "

"Yes, when my mother left that year, she was pregnant. In August of 1982, she gave birth to a child, Hanhan."

"A boy or a girl?"