I feel a little strange

"I'm sorry, aunty. I'm not helping you," Guan Ling smiled.

what are you saying, child? I'm very happy that you're willing to help. Nowadays, there aren't many girls who are willing to do housework. You're so beautiful and so obedient. My Xu Yan must have done a lot of good deeds in his previous life to be able to find you.

Xu Yan coughed lightly. He had gone a little too far in his acting.

"You guys go watch TV in the living room. I'm going to wash the dishes,"'Mrs. Xu' quickly said.

Xu Yan quickly pulled Guan Ling to the living room.

Guan Ling looked around while Xu Yan turned on the TV for her. The two of them watched the TV together while Mrs. Xu washed the cherries and cut the Kiwis for them to eat.

Guan Ling smiled politely.

It was not until past eight o 'clock that Guan Ling said,"Let's go back to school."

&Nbsp; Xu Yan pulled her hand and stood up. mom, we're going back. You should rest early too.

"Okay. Be careful on the road, okay?"