What nonsense are you talking about?

Lin Yin's eyes flashed with a hint of ruthlessness, but she still managed to keep her expression steady. She forced a smile and said,"What are you doing?"

Liu Mei threw the stack of documents in her left hand at her face, " "The assets under your name are almost hundreds of millions, and you're telling me that your husband doesn't treat you well? You're telling me that you have nothing, so you can't compensate me? Lin Yin, you're really cruel to me. "

Lin Yin's heart sank to the bottom. She had underestimated this idiot. She could not believe that he could find out the assets under her name.

This time, things were getting tricky.

She had to find a way to calm Liu Mei down.

"Where did you find out about these Pixiu?" she forced a smile.

Liu Mei gritted her teeth. why do you care where I found out? you lied to me. It's a fact. I have nothing, but you're still living a high-society life. Lin Yin, you're really cruel.