Chapter 2481-could it be a conflict?

He had a fever in the morning, and after a whole day without rest, he didn't even have the time to catch his breath. His condition had probably worsened.

"I'm fine. I'll be fine after taking two pills."

He was about to leave when the female reporter threw the microphone to her assistant and quickly caught up.

During the interview just now, her eyes had been fixed on the Deputy Director.|| His face was too delicate, handsome and charming, reserved and deep. He didn't talk much, but every word he said was full of insight. He kept a low profile and didn't boast about himself. He was her favorite type.

She quickened her pace and caught up to Xie Muye, her smile just right. "Deputy Division|| A-are you free later? Thank you so much for accepting our interview today. May I thank you on behalf of the television station?"