If you're gold, you'll shine wherever you go

The next day, the sky was clear. Xie Muye opened his eyes and saw the blanket covering his body, as well as a few boxes of medicine on the coffee table. Some scenes from last night flashed through his mind.

Did she come over?

He took out his phone and immediately called her.

The other end of the phone rang for a long time before her voice sounded. "En, Yingluo."

He seemed to be still in a dream, his voice was very muffled.

"Thank you for taking care of me last night."

"Mm, you're welcome."

At this moment, she was the least prepared. She would answer whatever was asked.

"Why didn't you stay at my place a little longer?"

Jian Xia suddenly came to her senses. Wasn't this Xie Muye? Why was she chatting with him so nicely?

Last night, she had no choice. His Secretary had called her. If anything had happened to him, she would have to bear the blame.

She had no obligation to chat with him now.