As long as 30 years

"Yes, officer."

"How's her condition?"

"She only has a small scratch on her forehead. The other books are fine."

Officer Huang continued,"what about the other one?" How's her condition?"

"She's still in the resuscitation room, and she seems to be quite seriously injured."

"I have some questions to ask this lady," officer Huang said in a deep voice,"can she come with us now?"

"Sure, no problem at all."

Lin Yin had no choice but to leave the hospital with officer Huang.

Along the way, she had been looking for a reasonable excuse.

When the time came, she would pretend that she didn't know anything. Anyway, she would just say that she didn't know why the seat belt didn't work. They couldn't do anything to her without evidence.

Lin Yin was taken to the police station.