I respect his choice

Gu Nian chuckled.'Oh, he's waiting for me.'

She held the cup and chuckled. it's mainly up to Zhaozheng's decision. Besides, there's only one position in the Academy. He can't become the head just because he wants to.

Ye Qun waved his hand. hey, with your family's influence in the scientific research world, wouldn't it be a piece of cake to make Zhao Zheng the head of the Academy of Science in a decade? "

Gu Nian forced a smile. you must be joking. The Research Institute is not named Gu. There are many capable people in the Institute. Everyone has their own abilities. How can you say that it's an easy task to make Zhao Zheng the leader? "

She finally understood that her cousin wanted her to persuade Zhao Zheng to give up the inheritance of the ye family's enterprise and let Zhao Zheng stay in the Academy of Science.

To be honest, Zhaozheng really did not think much of such a group. They were not people who valued money, so it was fine as long as they had enough.